Administration » Superintendent's Page

Superintendent's Page

Joe Holloway
Superintendent of Schools

Welcome to the Constantine Public Schools.  I am truly honored to serve as your Superintendent and I welcome you to our website. 


As we prepare for the beginning of school, my hope is that you have had a peaceful summer and that you and your child are already beginning to feel excitement about their return to school or your return to work. The beginning of school is and should be a very exciting time for many. I trust that we never forget how exciting the beginning of the school year is for students, parents, school staff and our entire community!


Our first priority has to be making sure our students and staff are safe when they are on our campuses, and that this safety is maintained at all times. Events around our country remind us all how important attention to detail is in maintaining school safety and you will see improved safety protocols on our campuses this year. Along with this, we need the help of parents, students, staff, and community in being more diligent about safety. All of us need to not only be more observant when things appear out of the ordinary on our school campuses, but to also make sure that we report these to someone who can check them for us to make sure all is okay. We would rather give attention to a "false alarm" than to ever look back and wish that something was reported. A strength of our district has been the relationships between our parents, our businesses, our community, and our schools in working together to keep one another informed. Let's continue to utilize that strength to make schools a safe environment for our students and staff in 2022-2023.


Constantine has earned a reputation for academic excellence, and the boundless opportunities that extend beyond the classroom setting are exemplary.  We offer robust options for students at all grade levels, including co-curricular and extracurricular activities. I think you will find your students' needs will be met with our student-centered approach. 


You will also find people in our community make a difference every day for our students!  Our staff is dedicated to meeting each child’s academic, social and emotional needs. Our School Board and district leadership are committed to providing each school with the necessary resources to ensure success. Parents and community members give to our schools generously in terms of their time, talent, and resources.


In closing, I am excited about what 2022-2023 holds for our students and staff and hope that you are as well. We are blessed with a strong and supportive school community, and we should all work together to ensure our schools are the best that they can possibly be. As I start my first year as Superintendent of Constantine Public Schools, I challenge each of us to do all that we can to make it our best ever. I have no doubt that our students and staff will accomplish great things in 2022-2023, and I look forward to us celebrating their accomplishments with them.


Thank You, 


Joe Holloway


Constantine Public Schools

[email protected]

1 Falcon Drive
Constantine, MI 49042
(269) 435-8900