Emergency Information
Weather Conditions
When severe weather or snow forces the delay of or closing of school, the Constantine Public School's automated messaging service will send out phone calls, text messages, and email messages to all numbers and addresses of parents and legal guardians on file as soon as possible.
Additionally, the following stations are notified as soon as possible: WLKM; WKMI; WRKR; WKFR; WKZO; WQLR; WFRN; WMSH; WQSN; WBYT; WRBR; WNWN; and U-93. The following television stations are also notified as soon as possible: WSJV-Channel 28; WWMT-Channel 3; WNDU-Channel 16; and WSBT-Channel 22. When it is necessary to close school early, the same stations will be called in advance of dismissal.
There is no dismissal during a tornado warning, but students and parents should discuss a family procedure to follow in case there is no one home in the event of cancellation or early school closing.