Winter Sports » Basketball (Boy's)

Basketball (Boy's)

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"Together We Fly" Encouraging a hard working and collaborative atmosphere to develop young men into future leaders and husbands who exemplify class and engage with integrity on and off the court.

Varsity Basketball

Varsity Head Coach: Greg Outlaw
Assistant Coach: Roger Outlaw

Varsity Basketball Schedule

The varsity basketball schedule can be viewed here.

Junior Varsity Basketball

JV Head Coach: Torrey Brown


Junior Varsity Basketball Schedule

The JV basketball schedule can be viewed here.

Freshman Basketball

Freshman Coach: Russell Schenk


Freshman Basketball Schedule

The freshman basketball schedule can be viewed here

Middle School Boys Basketball

8th grade coach: Grant Choler
7th grade coach: Chad Thelen


Middle School Basketball Schedule

The MS basketball schedule can be viewed here

The goal of middle school basketball is to instill a love of the game in our 7th and 8th grade students while teaching the fundamentals that will lead to success as they progress through the program and eventually compete as varsity athletes.  Basics, such as dribbling, passing, defensive positioning, etc. are emphasized as they learn and become skilled in the various aspects and intricacies of the game.

Athletes and parents may join the MS Basketball Schoology group at:  Athletes have been provided the JOIN code and it's in the newsletters that have been sent home.